Here Are Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Baja Whale Watching
Kevin Warren, founder of Baja Air Ventures got a call with an important Baja whale watching question. The women was maybe someone like you, who had dreamed for years of getting close, maybe even petting the gentle giant Gray whales of Baja.
Unfortunately she was surprised and disappointed with Kevin’s answer…
In a moment I’ll share what happened. Read on.
One of the things we most like to be is a resource to you on how to maximize your fun and connection to the abundant nature environments of Baja. Over 30 years of ecotourism and active travel throughout Baja, with thousands of global travelers has given us deep insight and answers on how and when to best enjoy the areas of central areas Baja we visit.
That’s why we wanted to take a moment to answer to Frequently asked question on the famous and friendly Gray Whales in Baja that we visit.
When is the best time of year to see the California Grey Whales in Baja, Mexico?
The California Gray Whale for thousand of years migrates from Alaska to three special protect bays to give birth and breed from January – April. We have found that the highest concentration (and getting better every year) is between February 1 – the first week of April.
That’s why we only run ten small group trips (limited to only 9 people) at that time of year.

No need to rough it on a Baja whale watching trip. Our Casa Laguna B&B sleeps 10.

Our deluxe yurt Lodging at Las Animas Ecolodge

Sea of Cortez Jumping Dolphins near Las Animas ecolodge
How far in advance should we book a Baja whale watching tour to get one of the optimal dates?
The women who called last week wanting to book a February whale watching trip (along with her family), was surprised and disappointed when Kevin’s answered, “ Sorry we are SOLD OUT in February and only have a limited spots still open in March.”…
This is something we hate to say to travelers like you who have dreamed of a “bucket list” experience like our Best of Baja Whales’ Dolphins and Sea lions trip.
That’s why we recommend for our signature whale watching trips (and our snorkel with whale shark trip in the Fall) that you reserve your trips 4 – 8 months in advance. We were 65% sold out for our whale watching trips last Fall. Some people book 1 year in advance for these bucket list experiences so they can have first choice on dates, lodging upgrades, etc.
All that is required is a deposit, which is refundable up to 91 days from departure with a small cancellation fee.
Cool Short Whale Watching Trip in Baja Video – See What Gray “Whale Petting” Looks Like 🙂
What location in Baja has the most amount of California Gray whales?
There are only three locations in Baja that these Ojo de Liebre (Scammons Lagoon), Bahia Magdalena and Laguna San Ignacio. The location with the highest historic concentrations of gray whales is Ojo de Liebre (Scammons Lagoon located just outside of Guerro Negro on the Pacific coast.
Here are some reasons why there are more whales in Ojo de Liebre (Scammons Lagoon).
- The most northerly location in Baja. The whales have already swum 6,000 miles and they’re tired.
- Ojo de Liebre is a protected main bay then has an inner super protected bay from waves that is call the “ Whale nursery” because so many close encounters with mothers and curious babies happens here.
- The main bay is large offering lots of space for lots of whales, but has a protect mouth to the bay so big ocean waves are not an issue.
- Whale watching and conservation is priority in this UNESCO World Heritage site, called Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, a Mexican National Park. So respect for whales and the number of boats allowed is limited. We think appreciate this so they are more inclined to pay a close visit to your boat J
Here is our #1 Frequently Asked Questions Baja Whale Watching
What is likelihood we will see and hear Gray whales on our whale watching tour?
100%! In fact the California Gray Whale is an amazing mammal that has had a miraculous recovery.
Every year it seems the number of whales (adults and cute 15’ babies) increases. And because you are in a protect bay getting up close to look to many whale so you can look into their eyes, hear and smell their breath coming from their blow holes, is the frequent (and full on bucket list) experience.
Check out this cool short video on this page to see for yourself on one of our “Best of Baja’s Whale, Dolphins & Sea Lions trips. You will be amazed.
What is likelihood we will be able to actually pet Gray whales?
While we can’t guarantee what Mother nature does…. Bu because of the increased whale counts in Ojo de Liebre every year, their protected status, fewer whale watching boats allowed and many years of whale and human connectivity, actually petting these amazing creates, happens almost every trip.
Check out this cool picture and how close you can get to Gray whales in Baja, Mexico in these magical protected waters.
This amazing diverse ecosystem surrounded by water on both sides, has been coined “ Galapagos of North America”
Do you have some more frequently asked questions Baja whale watching?
Please call the owner of Baja Spirit Ecotours & Lodge owner Kevin Warren at 1-619-421-2235. We have 30 years of Baja Ecotourism experience and love taking Baja gray whales, Baja whle sharks and any type of Baja nature travel.
Calfornia Gray Whales Information on Wikipedia
More Photos and Memories from Guests on our “Best of Baja” Whales, Dolphins and Sea Lions Trip, Snorkel with Whale Sharks and Year Round Sea of Cortez Whale Watching tours.